If you are interested in joining a social group, or just finding out more, please come along to our New Members Night, or to any of our Club Nights. You can find out when and where these are by clicking here
New Members Nights and Club Nights normally start at about 8:30pm, so feel free to come along any time after that.
No need to arrange anything in advance – just turn up and someone will be on hand to welcome you and explain about the club. Phone or email ahead if you want to.
Or you can join by Post. Simply download and complete this form and send it off. Application Form
Prospective Membership lasts 3 whole months and costs only £10. This will allow you to attend any of the events which the Club organises. Details of our IVC social group upcoming events will be sent to you every month; or you can check our online diary at any time.
Social Activity Group Membership for £20
At the end of the 3 months you can decide if you want to become a Full Member. Full Membership costs £20 per year, or £40 if you want to receive our Monthly Bulletin by post.
Find out more about Birmingham IVC by reading our FAQ page
If you have questions we will be happy to answer them – simplycontact us