Birmingham IVC meets every Wednesday from 8:30pm.
Same time every week; only the location changes. We have our favourite regular meeting places and we switch between them to suit all members.
On the first Wednesday of each month we hold a New Members Club Night at the Garden Houseon Hagley Rd, opposite the Strathallen Hotel. B16 9NX. Map
This night is specially dedicated to welcoming new members into the club. Come along and find out what we are about.
You’re sure of a warm welcome. You’ll find us on the left if you come in from the front. Look out for the large banner sign.
On the last Wednesday of each month we hold a Club Night in The Wellington Bar on Bennetts Hill in the City Centre. B2 5RS. Map
We do also meet in a range of other places around Birmingham on some Wednesdays and you can find out more details in our events diary.
We also have regular monthly Club Nights in Solihull, Sutton Coldfield, and Harborne. You are very welcome to come along to these too.
We are trying different dates and venues for Harborne Club Night. Check the events diary to find out where we are this month.
Solihull Club Night is normally held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Woodman’s Rest, Union Road, Solihull, B90 3DB. Map
Sutton Coldfield and Erdington Club Night is normally held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the “Wylde Green“, Birmingham Road, Wylde Green, Sutton, B72 1DH. Map
Check our events diary for details of all these events and to confirm dates. Events Diary